Berkshire and Surrey
Nanny/Housekeeper role in Haslemere, R2670
Girl – (11 years) – loves reading, music, singing and drama
Boy – (7 years) – loves sports, nature and the garden
Days and hours
- Tuesday and Thursday
- Two options for hours and duties which are:
- Option one the hours would be 7am-7pm which will include light housekeeping during the day while the children are at school
- or option 2 which is before and after school hours 7-9am – 3.00-7pm
- Getting the children ready for school
- Take the children to school and pick up- The school is around a 10 minute drive away- so driving is essential
- If choosing the full days light housework throughout the day while the children are at school
- After school pick up and then help support with the children’s homework, dinner and bath time
- One of the children has asthma (well-controlled) which requires medication (inhaler) which would need to be administered
£15-£18 PHG
Start Date
7th October 2024
*Please note all candidates must have an enhanced DBS, PFA and a minimum of 2 years experience.